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What is Living The Alchemist:


We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” ― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

Inspired by the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho The Alchemist tells the story of a young shepherd who is able to find a treasure beyond his wildest dreams. Along the way, he learns to listen to his heart and, more importantly, realizes that his dreams, or his Personal Legend, are not just his but part of the Soul of the Universe. 


As he’s on his journey he meets different people who help get him to his final destination. While traveling he learns the secrets of alchemy. By exploring and observing, he comes to the realization that we are all connected to the Soul of the World and how important it is to follow our dreams and heart's desires because thats the blueprint to getting to our Personal Legend. 


The Alchemist teaches us the importance of taking our dreams seriously, following our intuition, taking risk, exploring unfamiliar lands, having trust, having faith in our vision, commitment, and belief in the unknown. 


Living The Alchemist is a movement rooted in the lessons learned in the book. We travel to a country, state, or place that we feel our spirit is drawn to. The most invigorating part about our journey’s are we solely depend on our intuition and connection with people for transportation, shelter, and food. (What that means is, No hotels or Resorts, unless of course someone on our journey gifts it to us) We travel light “Back Pack Style” we stay in homes offered to us by the people we meet along the way, and we go where the wind takes us trusting that we will end up going and experiencing exactly what we are meant to experience. Before our journeys we brain storm or should I say Soul storm! We choose where we are going, put a vision board together on what we would like to experience and accomplish on our trips, hop in our cars or buy our tickets. Then, we are Living The Alchemist!  




We will be blogging about our experiences, talking about our encounters, Posting pictures and videos, Sharing live broadcast. Along with anything else we can think of to keep you all in the loop. So even if you’re unable to become a Living The Alchemist Sojourner you can be with us HERE!

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